Moving teams between competitions is a regular occurrence and in the past has been a time consuming process for administrators. The following documentation will explain the best process
to copy teams including their members from one competition into a
new competition. This process will only work if both competitions are being played in the same season, for example season 2013.
There are two options that you now have when moving teams & members into new competitions.
The first option is moving all teams from one competition into a new competition. The second option is selecting particular teams from multiple competitions to form a new competition in the same season.
Copying all Teams into new Competitions
Moving teams between competitions is a regular occurrence and in the past has been time consuming process for administrators. The following documentation will explain the best process to copy all the teams including their members from one competition into a new competition. This process will only work if both competitions are being played in the same season, for example season 2013. You may wish to use this process if you are running a pre-season or post-season competition that will include the same teams and members as the regular season competition.
NOTE: This process will not regrade the teams it simply makes another copy of the team. This means that the teams you copy will still remain
in their current competition.
1. The first step is from the dashboard at association level to hover over the 'Competitions' tab and then click List Competitions from the drop down list.
2. You will then need to click the Copy button located at the top right hand side of the screen.
3. You will then be directed to the 'Copy Competition' form where you will need to fill in all of the compulsory fields indicated by the red asterisk. The details entered are for the new Competition that you are creating. At the bottom of the form you will notice the 'Copy Instructions' section.
4. In the first drop down box you will be required to choose the 'Competition' that currently holds the 'Teams' that you want in your new Competition.
5. You then need to select the 'Season', this needs to be the same season as the Competition that you are copying Teams from.
6. The Team option drop down must be set to USE EXISTING TEAMS.
7. This will then allow you to click the tick box 'Bring Members with Team'. This is an important box to tick as it saves a lot of time having to manually add the members into their Teams again.
8. Once this is field out click Copy Competition.
9. You will then see the alert advising you that the 'Competition' has been copied successfully. From there you can click Display Details for (the name of Competition) which will then bring up the 'Competition Details' for the new competition.
10. From the competition dashboard click on Teams.
11. Then select one of the Teams by clicking on the Magnifying Glass to the left of the team name.
12. Once the Team is displayed hover over the 'Members' tab and click Modify Team List.
You will then see all the Members that have been brought across from the original Competition.
NOTE: Members that have been selected in the original Competition will also be selected in the copied Competition.
Copying selected Teams into new Competitions
Moving teams between competitions is a regular occurrence and in the past has been time consuming process for administrators. The following documentation will explain the best process to copy all the teams including their members from one competition into a new competition. This process will only work if both competitions are being played in the same season, for example season 2013.
This process is suitable if you have a large grading competition and then want to move teams into new competitions within the same season. For example you may have a grading competition with 40 teams which you then want to split into four competitions with 10 teams each.
NOTE: This process will not regrade the teams it simply makes another copy of the team. This means that the teams you copy will still remain in their current competition.
1. The first step is from the 'Dashboard' at Association level to hover over the 'Competitions' tab and then click List Competitions from the drop down list.
2. You will then click the New tab located in the top right hand corner.
3. The next step is selecting the type of 'Competition' that you want to setup.
4.This will bring up a 'New Competition' form for you to fill in the details of the new Competition.
Note: You must ensure that the Season you select is the same Season as the existing Competition that the Teams will be from.
5. Once this is completed click Continue.
6. From there you can click Display Details for (the name of Competition)
7. From the menu header click Teams.
8. Then click Manage Teams in Competition.
9. You will then need to select the 'Competition' that you want to select teams from.
10. Once you have selected the Competition click select teams to load.
11. Select the Teams in the Competition that you want to bring across by clicking the Box next to the Team name.
12. Click the Box to the right of ‘Bring Members across with Teams’.
13. Click Load Teams.
14. Click the Teams tab again from the Dashboard Menu.
Note: If you need to add more teams repeat steps 7-11
15. Then select one of the Teams by clicking on the Magnifying Glass to the left of the Team name.
16. Once the Team is displayed hover over the 'Members' tab and click Modify Team List.
Note: You will then see all the Members that have been brought across from the original Competition. You will notice that if they are 'Selected Members' in the original Competition they will also be in the 'Selected Members' for the 'New Competition'.
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